Mar 21, 2018
Winter is making a last ditch effort this week but Spring will be arriving in Chicago in due time. It’s time to clear out the debris of winter from your garden as you welcome spring to your Overstreet home landscape. Here’s a few tips and gardening suggestions to get your garden in perfect shape by the peak of spring!
Make Your Garden “Go Green”
Green gardens have become a huge topic for leisurely gardeners around Chicago. Have a beautiful and environmental friendly garden when you use biodegradable products such as biodegradable seed-starting pots, nursery pots and containers to pot your plants.
Soil Care 101
Before you invest in enhancing your garden, consider a little soil care! Maintaining your gardens healthy soil is essential. Try keeping an even supply of moisture throughout your garden bed and avoid working in it when the soil is wet. Footprints in wet soil can leave permanent imprints that aren’t so easy to fix.
Container Garden
Not all of your plants have to be in the garden. Pot your plant into an aesthetically pleasing container that matches your outdoor spring decor. The Chicago Horticultural Society suggest using Terra Cotta as an outdoor container .This medium-priced material is available in all sizes and therefore a good choice for plant groupings. Its porous clay evaporates water faster than plastic making perfect for potting plants.
Bug Love
Not all bugs are out to get your garden. In fact, some insects are known predators to bugs that can cause a great deal of damage to your garden. The most common beneficial bug you’ll find in your garden is the ladybug. Known for their orange and reddish wings and black spots, the ladybugs feast on aphids and other unwanted insects.
A Pop of Color
Add a pop of color to your garden this spring with these trees and shrubs.
Eastern Redbud
Cornelian cherry dogwood
Flowering Quince
Carolina Silverbell
For more gardening tips visit the Chicago Horticultural Society’s website at